Friday, August 26, 2016

2016 Stampin' for a Cure Registration form

2016 Stampin' for a Cure

This year's event is just around the corner. Saturday October 8, 2016. We will once again be holding our event at the AAA Regional Center off of Mark Dabling. AAA has generously donated space for our use for the last few years. There is plenty of room, ample parking and is easily located off of I-25 and Mark Dabling. 

If you would like to attend this years event, please contact your demonstrator for a registration form. If you do not have a demonstrator, no worries, you will find a registration form on this blog and you can also just show up at the event. Either way we would love to see your face!! 

Can't wait to see everyone in October. 

2015 Stampin' for a Cure

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pictures from 2013 Stampin' for a Cure

2013 a Success

2013 Stampin' for a Cure is in the books. This years event was a little different from previous years as we changed things up to do one session this year. We had awesome customers again this year and groups and various people who helped to make our silent auction a big hit! We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to a few. Coca-Cola donated 10 cases of water to help keep our customers and demonstrators hydrated!! Edward Kraemer & Son's donated $500.00!! Brighton Jewelers donated a beautiful necklace! AAA donated the facilities for the 3rd year in a row so we have a roomy place to stamp!! There are several others who helped make this year and past years a success! While we don't intend to leave anyone out there are just too many to name. Please know that we appreciate each and everyone of you and appreciate all you do to help make our event successful!! Thank you also goes to Dr. Lee Mitchell and Dr. Ingrid Sharon who spoke and gave us all some wonderful educational information and answered all of our questions! Finally a HUGE thank you to each and every demonstrator who donated her time, materials and a few weeks of meeting time to help pull this together!

Together we have managed to raise more than $20,000 for Southeast Susan G. Komen during the last few years!

Can't wait to see everyone again next year!

Until then make sure you are doing your monthly exams and having your mammogram done!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Registration for 2013!!

Registration is open for 2013!

Contact us at to sign up today!

Session: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2013
Each session features 6 awesome projects!

Location: AAA Regional Building, 5775 Mark Dabling, Colorado Springs, CO 80919

We will also have a silent auction, a grand prize drawing at the end of the day and a huge basket of Stampin' Up products will also be raffled off twice during the day!

There will be door prize drawings throughout the day for hand stamped gift items.

Cost: $25 per person (before Sept. 15th) and $30 per person (after Sept. 15th)

Any questions? We are glad to help! Email to the above address or call us at 719-233-3853.

See you at the event!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012




About Me

Colorado Springs, CO, United States
We are a group of Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrators that sponsor an annual event to raise money for our local Susan G. Komen Affiliate. All proceeds from our event are donated to the Affiliate. All supplies, food and auction items are donated by Demonstrators and local businesses.