Sunday, July 22, 2012



Look how much room we have!!!
We are well on our way to planning the Stampin' for a Cure event for October 2012!  The cards are being designed and our demonstrators and getting very excited to once again host this event for you!  We would like to thank the AAA Regional Center for allowing us to take over their conference rooms again!  This new space gives us so much room and allows you plenty of space to stamp, look at samples, or just sit back and take it all in!!  We can not wait to see you!  Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 6, 2012.  Contact your demonstrator for registration forms.  If you do not have a demonstrator you can email us at

Angela & Josie checking supplies


About Me

Colorado Springs, CO, United States
We are a group of Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrators that sponsor an annual event to raise money for our local Susan G. Komen Affiliate. All proceeds from our event are donated to the Affiliate. All supplies, food and auction items are donated by Demonstrators and local businesses.